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Wednesday, August 31, 2011


      I am not afraid to admit it that I cried during the Degrassi graduation... :'( I was so sad. The seniors have been here since Degrassi was called Degrassi The Next Generation. Who else remembers when Degrassi was named that?! They are graduating and going on to University. I found some pictures online that I wanted to share with all of you! I hope you enjoy them:) Degrassi Seniors forever<3

I'm crying right now:( You will always be remembered! Degrassi 2011.


      We are devastated to say that the Degrassi Fan Stop blog had crashed and was not able to post much. We are now back up but I (Head of Degrassi Fan Stop) am truly sorry to say that we will not be able to post any of the new recaps for awhile. We will be able to post this week's episode recaps but will have to try and post the ones we missed once we get everything organized. We would like to thank a few of the teenagers who help write the posts who have volunteered to help write these posts for this week or we wouldn't have them until a couple of weeks. Again we are sorry for the inconvience and we really feel bad about not being able to write to all of you guys! The first post will be a post during the show to get things going again! Come back now to find the recaps! Remember to watch the new Degrassi episode tonight at 9 p.m.!

Sneak Peek of Dead and Gone Part 1

Above is the sneak peek of the new episode tonight called Dead and Gone Part 1! Hope you enjoy!:)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


    By now everyone that has been watching Degrassi knows that the seniors are graduating VERY soon..... what will we do without all the seniors that have been on Degrassi since the seasons of Spinner and Jimmy?! It will be very sad to see them all leave but hopefully some characters will have spin off's! But who knows Degrassi is always surprising us and Fiona who was going to graduate isn't because she needs more credits. But still Anya, Owen, Sav, Holly J. and the rest of the seniors will leave Degrassi and whatever connection that the new Degrassi had from Degrassi The Next Generation will be lost:( It is sad for me and everyone else who has watched these characters grow up and now they are leaving. What do you guys have to say on the subject?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Extraodinary Machine Part 1 and 2! Recap

     Let's start with Eli since his plotline is growing again. So Eli hasn't been taking his medicine because he believes it stunts his creativity and he needs creativity for the play. But he also needs sanity for his life. So Eli has been pretending to take his medicine. But everyone can tell that Eli isn't taking his medicine because he is so jumpy and shaky and he can't keep his thoughts straight. He keeps rewriting the play which shows to be very stressful to everyone else. Eli also fired Jake which is a bad idea seeing as Eli changed the script up the very last day and Jake was the only one who knew most of the other lines. But Riley ended up taking Jake's part in the play which was kind of weird but it was cool as well! We all know that by now Eli wants Clare back again but will all this really make Clare want ELI back??? Over the entire season Anya has really messed up her life. Anya started taking drugs fighting with Owen and she ONLY applied to T.U so she could be with Dr.Chris who ended up being a totaly jerk and now doesn't want to be with her. So Mr.Simpson gave her a last minute application but she failed that plan as well because she went into her interview high on cocaine.... :/ Now we all know that Anya is feeling the weight of all her consequences because she now has to find something to do with her life so she isn't a loser for the rest of her life with no job. Even Owen knows what he wants to do with his life and impresses Anya's mom with his plan. Looks like Anya has a LONG way to go.... Jenna has decided to give Tyson up for adoption. Maybe it is the best thing for Tyson and his parents Jenna and K.C. Even if K.C. doesn't think it is. Jenna wants to get back to school and actually graduate but K.C. doesn't want to abandon his son. Now in Extradinary Machine Part 2 things are getting EVEN crazier which come on is Degrassi we all know it only gets crazier! So Eli and Imogen are just losing it now a days. Imogen wants Eli so much she will do ANYTHING. And I mean anything.... and all Eli wants his Clare back. Both plans look really distant which is sad for the Eclare fans (I am one..) But Eli is still determined to do WHATEVER it takes to get Clare back. So he is going to stash his medicine in Jake's backpack. Imogen volunteers herself because she doesn't want Jake to get in trouble but Clare instead so Imogen can have Eli all to herself. This blows up in both Imogen's and Eli's faces. First Eli thinks that now Clare will never take him back (like that is the only reason that she won't take him back) and Imogen totally got burned by Eli when he yelled at her and she ran off crying. Anya now knows what she wants to do with her future. Anya wants to join the army.... IK! Crazy idea especially for someone like Anya because she just seems so sweet and lost but we also all know that if it is anybody who can over come something it is Anya. But Anya's mom doesn't look to happy about the idea (don't blame her I would be terrified if I one day have a child that wants to join the army but I would also be proud of them) And Anya gets upset that her mom doesn't like the idea. But when Anya goes to sign up she has to take a drug test which she obviously thought nothing of it and she failed the drug test so in response means she can't join the army.  But maybe there is one more chance Anya can take to get into the army and her mom seems totally supportive in helping Anya with her plan because she just wants her daughter to be happy. K.C. realizes that the adoption isn't about him that it is about Tyson and finally figures out that the best thing for Tyson would be to give him to two parents that don't always fight and have a stable home so Tyson can grow up in a good life. K.C. and Jenna end up adopting Tyson. Imogen didn't show up for the play because she was so hurt by Eli yelling at her and Fiona stepped in but then Eli had a huge fit on stage about how there isn't a happy ending in life it is always bad. Then he lights the script on fire and lets go of it. Everyone then starts to clap and I was like WTH!?!??! Hahah Eli is in a dark place and everyone decides to clap.

Well there is the recap for Extraodinary Machine Part 1 and 2! The new recap for tonight's show will be on before tomorrow's show airs! Make sure to watch the new episode tomorrow at 9 p.m.!

If Degrassi Fan Stop starts getting a little behind like it did last week that is because our teens are getting ready to go back to school and have been trying to deal with everything with school. If that happens we will get back on schedule as soon as we can and we hope that it doesn't cause to much of an inconvience! Thank you for your understanding and hope you have a great rest of your night!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Mr.Brightside Part 1 and 2

     Heyy Degrassi fans! Degrassi Fan Stop has been having a few difficulties so for this recap we are going to put Mr.Brightside Part 1 AND 2 into one recap post!

      Drew has had it pretty tough lately. With getting beat up, his girlfriend Bianca who brought this all upon him (but on accident) and then having anxiety and fear every second of every day. But then he found Julian and Owen fighting and made it seem like he had conquered his fear but we all know that the problem wasn't going to go away that easy.  So Julian, Owen and Drew had been doing the secret fighting club in the weight room and watching out for anyone else or teachers. Drew has been getting really good and is able to beat Julian who taught Drew everything he knew about the secret fighting club. Later on in Mr.Brightside Part 2 Drew is able to beat the wrester Mo who is the best on the wrestling team. Katie (editor on the Yearbook) tried getting close to Drew asking what they were doing in the weight club and then when she finds out Drew tells Owen and Julian that he will get her on their side and that she could even be the person who watches out for teachers and other students. But she goes and writes everything she finds out in the yearbook with exceptions of keeping it anonymous with no names on who is fighting in the weight room. So Simpson closes the weight room down only allowing people in if they have a teacher with them at all times while in the weight room. So now Drew, Julian and Owen have to find some where new to keep their club alive. Drew flips out on Katie about writing the article in the newspaper and in part 2 asks for forgiveness and Katie gives Drew a spot on the yearbook to write about sports. When Julian finds somewhere new to keep the fighting club going Drew doesn't go to check it out with them because he has the yearbook meeting but then when he has a nightmare while in the yearbook meeting Drew gets up and leaves and goes to the fighitng club and gets in the ring to fight someone even though Julian and Owen tried to stop Drew after seeing how tough the other people were fighting. Drew didn't do as well in this match and almost got severely hurt by the other guy. Then Drew goes back and totally beats the guy up and has to be pulled off the other guy because he wouldn't stop punching him. Katie tells Drew that he should find something that can actually help him more without getting angry all the time but still has the feeling of being safe. As we know earlier in the episode of part 2 he kissed Katie so we all know now that something is going on with them. So Katie introduces him to Tae Kwon Do and when Drew goes in for the kiss she flips him over in humor.

     Holly J. has been having trouble finding someone to donate her a kidney. So when she finally finds her birth mom and she is a match Dawn won't give Holly J. her kidney unless they pay her 20,000 dollars. Holly J. storms off on Dawn because she was upset that this plan had blown up in her face. She then goes back apologizing saying it was selfish to immeaditly ask for a kidney and they start over. Dawn talks about her prom and how it was the best night of her life. So Holly J. and Fiona look at the pictures of Dawn in hers prom dress and Fiona wants it to wear to her prom. Fiona even said that she would pay 20,000 dollars...... When Holly. J told Dawn about this and Dawn replied that the price sounded familiar. So Dawn agreed to giving Fiona the dress for 20,000 dollars and she told Holly J. she would donate her kidney! So looks like things are working out for Holly J. finally! But let's hope that it stays that way......but if Degrassi is still Degrassi then something might go wrong.... her senior year isn't over yet.

      From all the drama that had gone on with Alli and Drew at Vegas Night we all thought that Degrassi would be burned out of Alli but no! They swoop in and surprise us with bringing Dave! Now let's remember Dave has been there before Drew ever showed up and has always crushed on Alli and has been rejected each time. Now they are dating! And we all saw that in the movie night episode. But Alli is tired of sneaking around because she doesn't want to lie to her parents because they have been willing to give Alli a new start and now their relationships are much stronger. But she still wants to go out with Dave as well. So she wants to bring Dave over as a "friend" to introduce him to her parents to see if Alli's parent's like Dave. Only problem is, is that Alli is making Dave act the way her parents would approve of instead of himself. So when Dave goes over to Alli's house they all sit down and start talking and Alli's mom brings out tea. Alli's dad starts asking Dave all these questions and Dave at first answers for himself but then from Alli's nudge answered the way she wanted him to. Dave after awhile got irratated and left. But then Alli tells her parents that Dave is her boyfriend and her dad says to bring him over and he didn't seem overly upset! That is a first! Probably made Degrassi history:) Anyways so Dave comes over and is himself. He talks about what he likes and they start to play poker together! Everything is going great and at the end when Dave told Alli's father that he was stepping on the hearts card her father replied along the lines, "yes and you better be careful." And walks away. So the night I think went PERFECT! For Alli's parent's anyways:) But who knows what other drama is on the way.

So that is all for this combined recap! Degrassi Fan Stop would like to apologize for the delay in posts and recaps we have been dealing with technical difficulties. The other needed recaps will be up before the new week of Degrassi episodes start!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Heyyy Degrassi fans!

         So since you guys seem to love this blog that is ran by teens like you the Degrassi Fan Stop head has started a new blog that is ran by teens that talk about surviving and thriving middle/high school! Teens talk about fashion, music, they have a mystery teen column and they have a Dear Journal and more to come! The blog has just started and the first posts by all the teens are in! So make sure to check it out! The blog name is called Surviving and Thriving! The link to the blog is below!

Surviving and Thriving

Thursday, August 11, 2011


OM FREAKIN G!!!!!!!!!!!! Eclare fans get ready for some action! Next week looks like it will be a battle between Eli and Jake!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT! I'm voting for Eli.. who are you guys voting for????? Eclare or Cake????? This episode is exactly what the Eclare fans needed! This episode gave us more hope! But the outcome can still come out very differently than we want it to so keep your fingers crossed:D

Degrassi Update

This is a Degrassi episode coming to you while the show is going on. Can I just say woah! The show just went to a commercial after Jenna hit K.C. with her guitar! K.C. fell back on the table breaking it and then the doorbell rings which of course is child services! I can't believe this. This is a lot of drama in ten minutes! Now I know that Jenna and K.C. are good kids and all or at least now they are and they just hit a bumb in the road but things look pretty rough. Oh no Eclare trouble...... gotta go!

More polls!

      The Head of Degrassi Fan Stop wants to know from YOU readers what you think about the blog hiring another teenager to write grades for the plotline. It just gives another opinion from people like YOU about what they think of Degrassi! There is also one other new poll so make sure to check out the polls!

Recap of Lose Yourself Part 1

          Jenna has come back to Degrassi! For part time that is. K.C.'s mom told Jenna she could watch Tyson in the mornings which gives Jenna two class periods and lunch. But now that Jenna is back I'm afraid from common knowledge and previews that the whole Jenna/K.C./ and Merisole/K.C. thing is going to get big. So the first day back to Degrassi Jenna goes to her first class and has a.... leak. Okay I have to admit that is really embarrassing. But I'm sure it happens to some other people out there. So Jenna seemed to have recovered quickly from that incident and then we find her sitting with Alli for lunch because K.C. and Merisole both have volleyball for lunch. Then Jenna decides to get even more involved with things goin on in Degrassi and helps Sav with his music for the school play. So Jenna is thinking about the music and helping Sav while she is taking care of Tyson and a tune comes into Jenna's head and she goes to write it down and get all the guitar things in place. But then the worst thing happens. Tyson falls off the diaper table and Jenna takes him to the hospital. But then the nurse comes out with Tyson after checking him out and taking tests and sees Jenna and K.C. fighting. The nurse then tells them that she has to report to child services under the circumstances. I do have to say this is starting to sound a lot like Mia's plotline except that this was an accident and Mia chose to stay at the party with Bella that had alcohol. So there is the recap on Jenna and K.C.

      News on Clare and Jake or as people are calling them Cake. Jake has now joined the construction of the set for Eli's play. But Clare doesn't think this arrangement is so innocent. Throughout the episode Clare is paranoid about Eli doing something and Adam tries to comfort her and calm her down but it doesn't seem to work. So Clare goes to the theatre and looks through Eli's bag trying to find something to prove that she is right to be paranoid and she pulls out a bottle thinking it was the stuff that Eli tried to use on Fitz and it really turned out to be hand sanitizer. Then Jake sees Clare starting to walk out and she asks Jake if it was safe to be up on the set working because it wasn't that secure and then he starts jiggling the wood around and Clare runs to keep it from "falling down" and Jake laughs saying it was secure. Clare also came up to Eli asking him if he was planning anything and Eli didn't answer her with an answer that was reassuring. So Clare is now on edge about the whole thing and I feel a lot of intense things will happen soon in Jake, Clare's and Eli's future.

     All Degrassi fans that have been watching Degrassi for awhile to know what has gone on in Degrassi The Next Generation knows that there is always that one student who falls for their teacher. Never really works out but they do fall. This time it is sweet and loveable Sav. The lucky teacher this year is Ms.O! Ms.O is pretty I will give her that but I can't wait to see her reaction when she finds out.... and she will find out. So Sav and another student were competing to have their music win the school play so the winner can spend time with Ms.O. Jenna helped Sav but Sav got black mailed by the other student and now he has to let the other student help him which means they get to share Ms.O's time. The student told Sav that if he didn't let him help he would tell Ms.O about Sav's crush on her with the song that he wrote for her that he found on Sav's hard drive when he picked it up after Sav left it lying on the table.

       That is all for now and make sure to watch the new Degrassi episode Lose Yourself Part II! tonight at nine p.m.! Below is the sneak peek to the show coming on tonight and the full episode from last night in HD from Teennick!

Sneak Peek of Lose Yourself Part II

Lose Yourself Part 1 full episode HD

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Recap of Don't U Know Part II

     Adam thought just when he had a girl that liked him for him and as a guy and not because he was both cough cough Fiona it turns out that the girl wimps out. We all know that this girl is Katie. So now Adam is sure that he wants surgery to get his breasts removed. His mom and his counselor both tell him that he is still growing and it would be risky but hes counselor gives him a vest that compresses the chest down so it looks like he doesn't really have any breasts. He really wants to do this when Katie rejects him. Maybe Katie causes more drama than she thinks..... So now he has his vest compressor thingy or whatever it's called (haha)

     Fiona has found her birth mother's number and address! We all know the reason she is getting in touch with her birth mother.... first off she never knew that she was adopted and also because she needs a type A to get a kidney transplant from someone and she wanted to know if her birth mother would donate her kidney. Her birth mother (Dawn) seems a little hesitant at first about donating but she agrees to get tested. So she gets tested and now they are waiting. When Dawn calls Holly J. she tells Holly J. that she is positive and that she WILL donate a kidney but she wants 20,000 dollars..... What in the WORLD?! That's a lot to ask for..... But who knows I have never been in any of their problems before.

    Imogen and Eli kissed in the last episode because Imogen was trying out for a part but the kiss seemed a LITTLE long.... more like FOREVER for Eclare fans..... anyways, So Imogen gets the part and is so excited but then Eli tells her that there is nothing going on after she brings it up. Imogen then goes to Clare and gives her a coupon to the stake house and knowing what Clare would say knew she would take Jake. I should've known that Imogen was planning something.... anyways and then Clare and Jake are at the resturaunt and so are Eli and Imogen.... hmmmmm seem SUSPICOUS!?! Imogen and Eli walk by right as Clare and Jake kiss and Eli just kind of freezes. Then Imogen calls Eli muffin and he runs out saying not to call him that...... Then in the ending of the episode Eli tells Imogen after Imogen sees Jake working on the set that he isn't over Clare AT ALL! I was so excited! Hope for Eclare fans:) But now what will be in store for Jake?

That's all for this Degrassi episode so make sure to watch the new one tomorrow at nine p.m. if you want to know what happens! And remember if you miss it you can always catch up with the recaps that Degrassi Fan Stop gives and we also post the link to the full episode on Teennick! Can't wait till tomorrow night!

Degrassi Update!

     Heyy! This is an update from Degrassi Fan Stop! Right now I am watching the new Degrassi episode like MILLIONS OF YOU ARE:) Just updating during the show.... Adam is having a hard time with his chest and wants a removal!? Imogen thinks that Eli is her boyfriend but Eli doesn't want a girlfriend. Clare and Jake are having dinner right now at the same spot that Eli and Imogen are at.... Hmmmm and Jake and Clare are kissing when Eli passes and he freaks and leaves Imogen telling her to stop calling him muffin! Well that is the quick update and this show is getting rlly good!:)

Q&A! Episode missed and sneak peek of Don't U Know Part II

Don't U Know Part 1 Full episode

Sneak Peek of Don't U Know Part II

Post your questions in the comment box BELOW this POST!!!!! I will answer them while the Degrassi episode is going and then when the new Degrassi episode comes on I will answer new questions! :D

Don't U Know Part 1

       Here is the recap for the Degrassi episode of Don't U Know Part 1!

            Let's start off with Eli and Imogen. So in this episode Imogen wants to try out for the part of Clara in Eli and Fiona's school play in order to impress Eli. Imogen decides to go all out to make everything perfect. So she starts to study Clare. When Clare asks her what she is doing Imogen begs Clare to help her get the part so she can impress Eli. So Clare decides to help her because I think she was trying to show Imogen that she IS over Eli. Imogen reads ALL of Clare's favorite books in ONE NIGHT!? Crazy and we all saw that HUGE stack of books...... Anyways then Clare asks her to do one thing in return and tells Imogen if she could make Clara look a little more sympathetic. So Imogen agrees to that willing to do anything to get the part of Clara JUST right for Eli. Eli has been auditioning a lot of girls for the part of Clara and then just as he was about to loose hope Imogen walks in. She of course nails the part (or what Eli thinks) and then KISSES HIM!!!!!!! I squealed and my mouth dropped. EW EW EW EW. This wasn't suppose to happen. So anyways I'm guessing we ALL know that Imogen will get the part. I wonder if Eli is over Julia enough not to react the way he did when Clare and him kissed for the first time (WHICH WAS FOR A SCHOOL PROJECT!) Seeing the similarities??? Maybe they want the same idea for Imogen and Eli as they had for Clare and Eli. I don't know.

      Adam is going pretty good right now I think (well at least in the beginning of the episode) He is on air with Dave and they have a guest (Katie) talking about being the editor for the school yearbook. Katie SEEMS to be flirting with Adam and Dave tells Adam to go for it. So Katie invites Adam to be one of the guy models for the fashion show and so he does after Dave convinces him to actually do it. But it looks like Adam is uncomfortable with being up there with everyone watching. Adam even asks Katie if she knows that he is transgender and she says she knows she just thinks of him like one of the guys. Adam is happy about this statement and is more confident than ever about Katie. But then after the fashion show Adam asks Merisole if Katie likes him and Merisole basically tells Adam that if he wasn't transgender that maybe Katie would be his type. I was so mad when Merisole told Adam that. So that was the end of Adam's plotline for this episode.

     Holly J. Sinclair. The girl that when she first came on the show we all thought Heather Sinclair's little sister Holly J. Well not anymore. No not after the information that was revealed last night. Looks like Holly J.'s health is getting even worse. The doctor told her that she needed to have a kidney transplant. So when her "parents" and "sister" are tested to see if their blood type is the same so that one of them can give the transplant and save Holly J. it turns out that Holly J. is type A but the rest of her family is type AB...... Holly J. then starts to get suspicious. She keeps talking to Fiona about how her hands aren't like anyones in her family and other things. Fiona tells her to calm down that it probably is nothing. But Holly J. still has a nagging feeling. So when she asks her mom, her mom tells her that she was adopted at 11 months and that her and Holly J.'s dad were going to tell her when she truned 18....... At least Holly J. didn't freak out as much as I thought she would. So Holly J. fills out a form and is now waiting for results.

     So that is the recap for Don't U Know Part 1!!!!! Can't wait until tonight for the new Degrassi episode at nine p.m.! See ya there!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Who's excited???

 Okay so who is excited for the new week of new Degrassi episodes??? I AM!!!! If you guys have seen the promos for this week's new episodes then you will know what I am talking about if not then go check it out. If Imogen kisses Eli I will sooooooo slap her! Haha I'm guessing you guys know by now that this blog is an Eclare fan. But we are also fans of other couples but we don't like our favorite couples being messed with! I love Eli and Clare together they were so cute and I feel bad for Eli because he does have some problems that he needs to get help for and that will take time but I guess Clare felt like she didn't have that time. I don't know I just wish they will get back together or at LEAST start talking to each other. At least they still have scenes together:) But I saw some promos for the season that shows Eli may not be finished fighting......... I don't know haha. I just felt like posting to you guys so I am just talking about anything Degrassi. I tried telling myself that Eli and Clare NOT getting back together or talking to each other wouldn't be the end of the world but I couldn't do it. I was having an inner fight hahah. One side was telling me it was alright and the other side said it wasn't and the one that said it wasn't won:) I am not willing to give up on Eclare yet:) What are your answers??? I wanna know:) Don't get me wrong Cristine Prosperi (Imogen Moreno) Is a VERY talented actress but she just plays that part that not everyone will like (that is on purpose) because she is messing with the status quo(which isn't a bad thing at ALL!) and it does look like to Eli fans that she is only going to cause him MORE hurt and problems than he already needs and has! So ya that's all I wanted to do was talk ahaha. If you have any discussions you'd like me to go over just leave a comment! :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sneak Peek of U Don't Know Part 1

       Okay so here is the sneak peek of U Don't Know Part 1!!!! When I watched it my stomach and mouth literally dropped and I gasped really loud! Hahah so if you want to know why click the link!

Sneak Peek of U Don't Know Part 1

Did you miss the latest Degrassi episode Should've Said No Part II??? Well if this is so click the link below to watch the FULL episode in HD! :)

Full Episode of Should've Said No Part II

Make sure to watch the new Degrassi episode on Monday at nine p.m.!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Should've Said No Recap

     Everyone knows that Drew has gone through some pretty serious things since getting back from spring break. We also all know what happened over spring break. Bianca and Drew got into trouble with a gang and we all saw how that turned out. So now Drew is scared out of his mind (literally out of his mind) So Drew and his parents have been thinking of moving to Boston so Drew can get away from the gang and that way he doesn't have to be scared about it. But Adam doesn't like that idea very much. Adam has had trouble fitting in like he said at his old school but Degrassi has accepted him more easily than his old school (or so he made it seem). But then K.C. tells Drew that maybe all he needs is a distraction. A "prettier distraction" as K.C. put it. But at movie night Drew is introduced to a whole other world. He sees Owen and Julian wrestling around and asked to learn. After twenty minutes Drew is showing to be pretty good. Drew hasn't felt like this since the whole problem with the gang and Bianca. He then goes to his mom after he gets home from movie night and tells her that he doesn't want to move because he made some new friends and has something to help him that's "like a sport thing"(as Drew put it).

      Clare and Jake have decided to keep it "casual" in their little fling. But as we all know you can't keep something casual if your falling for someone. Later on Jake was going to come to Clare's house instead of movie night with Katie but after Clare found the divorce papers for her parents and saw that her parents got a divorce because her dad wasn't faithful to her mom and cheated on her many times Clare didn't want Jake and her to be like them and told him to go to movie night with Katie because things were starting not to feel so "casual" (OF COURSE NOT!). So Clare ends up going to movie night and gets paired with another guy from the help of Alli and then Clare tries to kiss him but the guy wants to know why she is kissing him if she likes Jake. So then Jake and her decide not to be casual and are in a relationship. But THEN the biggest fail happens. Clare and Jake come home and Clare's mom comes from upstairs with Jakes' DAD! I knew it when he came down the stairs. I was literally yelled at the t.v. "EWW! No!!!!" Hahah it was just so weird. Clare and Jake tell their parents that it is okay for them to date and why shouldn't it be. So that left it off awkward.

      Dave has been going out with Saidi for awhile now. Things have been going pretty good between them until Dave learns that he is still "digging" Alli. Throughout the episode Dave was showing interest in Alli but didn't know what to do because he was going out with Saidi and didn't want to hurt her. So at the end of the episode when Saidi tried to kiss Dave, Dave looked at Alli (BIG MISTAKE) and then Saidi looked where Dave was looking and found out what was going on. She then called him a pig in front of everyone at movie night at dumped popcorn on his head. Then in the last few minutes of Should've Said No episode Dave ends up asking Alli out and Alli is totally into it this time. Alli needs someone like Dave and Dave will need someone like Alli to shape Dave in place because we all know that Alli won't let Dave be a goof ball like he usually is.(:

     K.C. is basically cheating on Jenna with Merisole but of course won't fess up to it. I would actually be more surprised he did say he was cheating on Jenna than if he didn't. There wasn't much story on K.C. and Merisole in this episode but I am sure there will be a LOT more coming soon!


Q&A Starts now!

     Okay this is the post where you can ask ANYTHING related to Degrassi in the comment box below! Remember this only goes until the Degrassi episode starts to 12 a.m.!!!! Fire away your questions!:)

Paper Planes Part II

       So this recap is going to be a quick recap. So on Paper Planes Part 2 Anya still was having problems with the drugs (A lot of people keep saying that Anya and Paige have the same plot lines with both being high while at their University interviews but Paige admitted to being high and Anya didn't and Anya has always kind of been the nice girl type and Paige wasn't always the nice girl like Anya was.) Anya got another chance to go to a University because she got rejected from TU. But Anya got nervous and used drugs even though she told Holly J. that she wouldn't do it again(but drug addicts always say that so that was no surprise, once you start you pretty much are stuck with drugs until you admit you need help and go to rehab.) Anya and Owen also had problems in this episode and it looks like there will need to be a HUGE apology from both sides. Because Owen is trying to tell Anya what to do and Anya was a total.... well we know what the word is..... to Owen and needs to apologize just as much as Owen needs to apologize to Anya.

         So Connor has been through a lot especially with Aspergers (I think that is how you spell it) and now is stealing girls underwears and bras (and other clothing) saying he needed pictures for his app project in school but no one needs a bra for an app project AT SCHOOL. So Simpson suspended Connor and is sending him to a behavior school while Connor is on suspension. Connor seemed like he understood and is willing to go to the behavior school.

     Fiona had bed bugs and she blamed Charlie because she though that she brought them. Charlie and Fiona had a big fight but then a little later in the episode Fiona's mom called and said that their New York penthouse was infested with bed bugs. Fiona told Charlie she needed to give a huge apology and they ended up being okay. But then Charlie got some cheap wine to celebrate being bed bug free and Fiona told Charlie about how she is a recovered patient and that it probably won't affect her anymore but then Fiona realizes that it does. Then at the end of the episode after Fiona called her mom and talked to her therapist she told Charlie that she needed to move out because Fiona wasn't ready to handle everything just yet but that she was REALLY sorry. Charlie left off saying that her and teuxedo pants (her cat) are strong and always land on their feet and that she would go back to her mom's place.

      I'm sorry that this recap isn't as good as the other ones but Degrassi Fan Stop is on a tight deadline with some things and have had a hard time catching up with the recaps. So that's all for right now and make sure to watch the new Degrassi episode tonight at nine p.m.! The other recap that Degrassi Fan Stop hasn't posted yet will be posted by tomorrow for sure along with the new Degrassi episode tonight! Thank you for your patience and Degrassi Fan Stop apologizes for the inconvience!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Q&A starts now!

   Any questions on ANYTHING Degrassi? Ask now! This ends at 12 a.m.! Remember comment in the comment box below this post! :)

Clare and Jake

      Okay so a month or two ago I wrote a post about Eli and Imogen+Clare and Jake which you guys seem to like a lot since it has over 300 views and more than that for the all time views. So I have decided to break down the two "couples" and talk about them independently! First let's talk about Clare and Jake. So Clare is trying to get over Eli from when she broke up with him in season 10 on the finale episode. Which was heartbreaking for Eclare fans like me :(. So now the new guy Jake has come to Degrassi. Clare's family is friends with Jake's family and have been ever since they were both young. From the way Clare reacted when she first saw Jake didn't look so good so I am guessing that they didn't really become friends when they were little. So Clare had to sit through dinner with Jake and his dad with Clare's mom when all she wanted to do was go to the Dot because Eli was going to be there. So when Clare's mom tells Clare that she was thinking she could introduce him to people at Degrassi and show him around she comes up with an idea to go to the Dot. She tells her mom that she can just bring Jake to the Dot and introduce him to people there. Clare's mom doesn't look so thrilled at the idea because she knows what Clare is up to but Jake's dad seem's perfectly fine with it and says it's a good idea. So Clare drags Jake out of the house to the Dot. When the two of them get there she quickly introduces Jake to her friends and goes to look for Eli forgetting all about Jake. She finds Eli and things don't go so well. She introduces Jake to Eli to see what his reaction is but he didn't seem to care which made Clare more upset. Clare sees Eli and Jake getting along perfectly fine, laughing and talking to each other and Clare comes up to Eli when he is passing her and says she wants to talk to him. Eli doesn't really want to talk to Clare and Clare has a big meltdown in front of everyone. Then Jake takes Clare out of the Dot and Jake tells Clare that she just doesn't get it. Clare asks him what that means and he tells her that she is the one who needs closure not Eli. So Jake kisses her! Which I was like woah because I still want Eclare to get back together. Clare really doesn't seem to mind at all and they end up going home.

      Later on in the next couple of episodes Clare tells Alli that she doesn't care for Jake and doesn't want to be with him. When they see Jake looking at a club Alli suggests that Clare signs up to the one Jake is looking at because Clare and Eli are both using clubs to try and get over people it seems. Clare rejects the idea and tells Alli that she wants to sign up for yearbook which we all know didn't go so well for Clare but turned out that she got into yearbook but with harsh conditions. So now after awhile Clare starts liking Jake which we ALL knew would happen. I mean I really love Eli but Jake is pretty cute himself (he as grown since he was on the Latest Buzz). So now the new episode tonight is showing us that Clare DOES want him but maybe Jake doesn't want her???? Who knows.... we will have to wait till tonight. That is all! Hope you guys enjoyed this Clare and Jake talk! Watch the new Degrassi episode tonight at nine p.m.!!!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

          In the beginning of the episode it shows Anya SNUFFING?! OMG and while she is on a date with Owen!! He doesn't seem to like it which he shouldn't! Maybe e Owen is sweet and caring:) But anyways looks like Anya is in for a really big problem. The next day of course Anya looks really bad and that morning Anya told her mom that she didn't get accepted in to University and her mom got really upset. But Mr.Simpson gives good news and tells Anya and her mom that Anya can submit again and that there is a slim chance she can go to another University! Later on Anya tells Holly J. that she took drugs but told Holly J. that she isn't going to do it anymore. Owen seems to care about Anya because he calls a University for Anya and tells Anya to just tell them about her mom and the therapy and didn't have time to submit. So the acceptance office said that they would get an interview face to face to get into University!! Looks like some things are going good for Anya. But I wonder how long that will last. Owen hears Anya and Holly J. talking about him and Holly J. doesn't have some very nice things to say. So Owen squeezes water on the back of Holly J.'s neck. But Anya doesn't want to break up with him. But Owen is mad and doesn't want Anya to hang around her. Then Anya gets mad at Owen because he starts trying to tell her what to do. Anya goes to use the bathroom and Bianca and her friend comes in and Anya starts telling them about how everyone keeps telling her what to do and she just wants it to stop. Anya sees Bianca's friend using coke again and then SHE ASKS FOR SOME!?!?!? Well Bianca's friend gives her the rest of it and my mouth was dropping at the sight of Anya taking it! Maybe Anya won't get a good future if she keeps this up!

     Last time we left off with Fiona she asked Charlie to move in with her and she accepeted since Charlie got kicked out of her apartment by her room mate. But Fiona's mom doesn't know because she is on a trip. But Fiona finds out that it might be a little harder living with Charlie because of the things that Fiona didn't know and probably still don't know. Like for instance Charlie has a cat but Fiona is allergic but let's it go because she really likes Charlie. Bu turns out that Fiona may not be allergic to Charlie's cat but the bed bugs that Charlie and her cat brought with them. Fiona gets someone to come check her apartment for bed bugs and finds out that she DOES have bed bugs. I bet "momma Coyne" will have a really mad opinion. Charlie comes back and Fiona is really mad at her because she thinks that Charlie brought the bed bugs and didn't stop to think that someone else might've so they get in a fight. Charlie calls her ex room mate and finds out that she has bed bugs. Fiona kind of seems a little less mad and they start telling them what they are like and their pasts. But then after awhile Fiona's mom calls and tells her that it was the penthouse in New York that had the bed bugs and then when she told Charlie they got in a playful pillow fight. hahah I like how they don't stay mad at each other!

      So we all know that Connor has been going through a...... stage. He sees all the girls playing volleyball and goes into the locker room and gets a bra. But then Alli walks in and finds him but Connor covers his identity with a hoodie and pushes Alli aside and she falls.

That's all for now! Make sure to watch the new episode of Degrassi at nine p.m.!

Monday, August 1, 2011


         Okay any questions you have post them in the comment box below! Rememeber this only lasts till 12 a.m. then starts again when the new Degrassi episode comes on!

Dirt Off Your Sholder Part 2 Re-cap

     Let's start with Eli and Imogen. So in the last episode Imogen suggested that it was probably his pills that was giving him writers block. So Eli tries to get Adam to take his pills so he isn't tempted to take them. But Adam says no but Imogen says yes?! But maybe that wasn't such a great idea because then Eli started getting all shaky and looked like he was about to explode! So Imogen and Eli skip school because Eli needed to get out of Degrassi. Eli and Imogen are trying to come up with ideas for the school play and Imogen ends up dressing up like Clare and acting like her. Imogen says all these things about how Clare never really loved Eli (She is saying this as if she was Clare) and Eli starts to get really angry and starts saying stuff about how he hates himself for still being in love with Clare and how he hates her as well? I thought that was kind of weird because how can you hate someone if you are still in love with them? And then Eli gets the feeling of being "free" and has this great story idea for the school play! He pitches the story to Fiona and she loves it. So him and Clare set up another interview at lunch and Eli tells Clare about his play........ Well let's just say that he REALLY pulled from his experiences to come up for the idea of the school play because the play is about Eclare's break up!

       On to Riley and Zane. In the last episode (part 1) Zane asked Riley if he was cheating on him because of the text message that Riley recieved from the girl Athena. Riley tells Zane the truth about how his mom set him up on a date with Athena. Riley patches it up with inviting Zane to his birthday dinner. But then in the middle of a dinner that had seemed to be going perfect until Zane wanted to stop pretending and walked out.

     K.C. has been using his job to get away from his responsibility. He wants to be out and not stuck at home with Jenna and his baby. But K.C. stays even longer now after work because Merisole convinced him to stay for the after hour clean up session with music and dancing. So of course K.C. says he will stay. After awhile K.C. decides to quit but then K.C. gets a promotion with Merisole's help and decides to stay. K.C. tells Jenna about how Merisole helped him and Jenna starts to get jealous.... like any normal girl would. We all see what Merisole is doing, she has been flirting with K.C. for awhile now. Now we all know that K.C. does want to be there for Jenna and his baby but like this blog said he isn't willing to give up being a normal teenager.

That is all for now! I know it took awhile for the re-caps to get posted but Degrassi Fan Stop had some techinal difficulties. We appreciate your patience and hope that it hasn't been a big inconvience! Make sure to watch the new Degrassi episode TONIGHT at nine p.m.! Below is the link to the preview for tonight's show!!

Sneak Peek of Paper Planes Part 1!!

Dirt Off Your Shoulder Part 1 Re-cap

      So lets start with Eli. Eli has been through a lot in season 10 as we all know. He crashed Morty in the last episode of season 10 because he thought it would bring Clare back but it obviously didn't. So now Eli has a cast on his leg/foot and his doctors prescribed anti-anxiety meds. But it looks like he may be getting TO comfortable with his pills. So he is now writing the school playing and Fiona is directing it. Eli had this idea and that's what he had been writing. But Fiona doesn't like the original idea that Eli came up with. So they ask the drama teacher and she thinks that it isn't his "strongest work". So the drama teacher wants him to come up with a new concept which is going to be a struggle for Eli later in the episode. But Clare now also needs an interview for the school paper about what the play is about. But this is a problem since he now needs to come up with a new concept for the play. Clare is confused because he isn't giving her the plotline and such. So Eli starts having problems coming up with a good idea for the play. But later in the episode Eli's dad tells Eli that he should probably quit writing the school play because it is more stress than Eli needs right now. So he tells Fiona that he wants to quit but then Fiona says that she could just get Clare to write the school play. So then Eli is trying to write the school play at school on a school computer but he gets really frustrated and throws the computer on the ground. Imogen comes in and protects him by falling on the ground when Ms.O walks in making it look like she tripped over a "loose cord". So Eli won't get in trouble for that at least! Then when Eli finds her after she gets out of the school nurse's office he asks WHO are you. She says she is just someone who has been going to Degrassi for a couple of years. Then she makes him hold her bloody tissue (EW) and then she puts what looks to me like TAMPONS in her nose?!??! Then Adam comes up and asks who she is and she tells him then when Adam asked what happened to her nose she said that Eli hit her and to stay away from him?! (PHYSCO) Then Adam says that she is a physco because Eli said he didn't hit her and then Eli looks...... happy about it? Some kind of emotion but it wasn't a bad one! 

       So in season 10 Riley's mom caught him with Zane in his bedroom (OOPS). So now his mom won't barely talk to him at all until he agrees to go on a "date" with this girl even though Riley didn't know it was a date. So then this girl (Who also played on Teen Buzz with Munro Chambers and Justin Kelly) says just to show them  what they want to see and you can get away with it. So Zane sees a text message from someone wanting to go on another date or see each other again and thinks that Riley is cheating on him. (OH NO)

We ALL know that Jenna and K.C. have been through a lot ever since Jenna told K.C. that she was pregnant. K.C. was on and off about being there for Jenna in the beginning of season 10 but then finally came around. So now they are a happy couple who just had a baby (WAY TOO YOUNG) But now K.C. and his new job might be a problem. Merisole is helping K.C. with his job and giving him flirty looks. Might be a problem?????? Who knows! Make sure to check the new re-cap for Part 2 and see what happens with the characters!

ALSO make sure to watch the new Degrassi episode tonight at nine p.m.!

Interesting Fact:
The girl who played as Riley's "date" played in Teen Buzz with Munro Chambers (Eli Goldsworthy) and with Justin Kelly (Jake Martin) Justin Kelly's and her character had a love relationship on Teen Buzz :O