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Monday, February 20, 2012

Underneath It All Recap

Okay so the first episode of Degrassi: New Beginnings was amazing! Who can disagree? First we have new friendships, new looks, and new drama! Let's start with the freshmans that we met. Tori and Tristan(Tristan by the way is also Owen's younger brother) are best friends already. But also seem like the pair of freshmans that will cause the most trouble. Zig is that new freshman hottie, at least to Maya Matlin who is Katie Matlin's sister. So in the beginning of the episode Maya and Zig bump into each other while trying to find their classes. But when Zig talks to Maya he asks her to pretend to be his girlfriend. So she does being on the spot and all, and after other freshmans walk past them Zig asks Maya to meet him at the Dot after school. But when Maya finally finds her music class she sits down and over hears Tristan and Tori talking about Zig and wondering where he is. When Maya tells them that he is in art they both tell her not to get involved with Zig because he is a heart breaker. But with those two who knows whether or not it's true. Katie tells Maya that Tori and Tristan are probably just jealous of Maya and to get to know Zig first before believing what she hears about him. When school we find Maya at the Dot waiting for Zig to meet her. Zig comes running in apologizing for being late. Maya tells Zig that she met some of his old "friends" that went to junior high and told him it was Tori and Tristan. Zig got this look on his face like there was some definite history behind those two with him included. But Zig asked Maya time for him to explain. Maya happily agreed and that's where we left them for this episode. Fiona has been through a lot last season and at the end of Degrassi: Now or Never she put herself into rehab. She makes an entrance as a new person (or so she thinks) and says that this year things will be different. I think I remember her saying that before.... maybe not though. Anyways, she quickly makes friends with Merisol and Katie and the all three plan a party together. Imogen and Eli over hear the phone conversation that Fiona is having about the party and Fiona is "cornered" into inviting Imogen. So of course you know how this turns out with Merisol and Katie. But when Imogen comes over to Fiona's house before the party she is dressed in some unique clothing. Fiona doesn't want to be embarrassed so she gives Imogen one of her dresses to wear telling Imogen that this way it will be one thing that people won't laugh at. When the party starts to play truth or dare Owen asks Fiona truth or dare and Fiona takes dare. But what Fiona didn't know that Owen would make her chug alcohol. When Fiona hesitates and everyone starts making fun of her Imogen tries to make them stop saying that Fiona was an alcoholic but everyone told her that it wasn't funny to make something up like that and instead of Fiona telling everyone it was true she went along with everyone else asking Imogen why she would say something like that. So for another distraction to delay the dare Fiona makes a suggestion saying that they should do something else and Drew suggests pranking Degrassi. So everyone from the party puts tin foil all over everything in the cafeteria as a senior prank and when Imogen and Merisol go to look around the school Drew runs in saying that the custodians were coming and that they had to get out of there before they were caught. When Merisol comes running back without Imogen Fiona asks what happened to her and Merisol said she skipped down the hall before she could stop her. So Fiona and everyone else left the building without Imogen saying that she was on her own. In this episode of Degrassi Clare wants to see if Jake is "emotionally" prepared to have sex. Now does anyone else think it's a little weird to be in that situation putting into consideration that they are step siblings?! Anyways, when Clare tests Jake she gets mad that he isn't take it seriously and Jake doesn't know what to say because he thinks that the questions are stupid. Clare asks him how will she know when to have sex with him if he couldn't take this seriously and Jake replied saying that she will just know when and that taking a test won't give the answer as to when to have sex. But Clare didn't really like that answer and storms up the stairs telling him that she couldn't believe she ever thought she wanted to have sex with him. So there is the first recap of the season for Degrassi: New Beginnings! I am so happy that Degrassi is back on and from now on the new episodes will be on Friday at 9 p.m.! Thanks for reading and I am so excited to start writing recaps again!!!

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